JMCSS Pre-K Program


    Our district's Pre-K program is home to the youngest JMCSS students. We currently have 45 Pre-K classes throughout the district. Families must meet state-mandated income and eligibility requirements to be enrolled in a voluntary Pre-K class. Nova Students However, there are a few locally funded classes that do not have income requirements. There are also special education classes for students who are served through the district's special education program. 

    Attending Pre-K helps students grow in social emotional development and helps ease the transition from home to regular elementary school. Our teachers use an all-inclusive curriculum program, so students progress through learning about different themes throughout the year, from the importance of self to community, all tied to literacy with a book of some sort.  







  • Q. How old must be child be to attend Pre-K?

    A. Students must be 4-years-old on or before August 15 of the current school year.


    Q. What are the qualifications for Pre-K?

    A. Families must meet state-mandated income eligibility requirements to be enrolled in a Voluntary Pre-K class. However, we have locally funded classes that do not have income requirements. We also have special education classes for students who are served through the district’s Special Education programs.


    Q. How can I register my student for Pre-K?

    A. You can register your student for Pre-K at any time through the online registration process.  All required documents must be submitted in person.


    Q. Who can I contact for questions about Pre-K Registration?

    A. For questions about Pre-K registration, please contact Kristin Peachey via email or call 731-215-2730.


    Q. What documentation must I provide in order to register my student for Pre-K?

    A. Families must submit: (1) copy of a current year’s physical and immunization on the Tennessee Department of Health Certificate; (2) copy of State Certified Birth Certificate; (3) household income verification – recent check stub, latest tax return, SSI pay stub or public assistance case; (4) two proofs of residence in Jackson-Madison County.


    Q. Is school bus transportation provided for Pre-K students?

    A. School bus transportation is not provided for Pre-K students.


    Q. Do Pre-K students attend school all day?

    A. Pre-K students attend all day and attendance is mandatory. Students can be dismissed from the program for excessive absences.

  • *Pre-K Collaborative at Isaac Lane and Nova Early Learning Center

    Isaac Lane and Nova Early Learning Center have a Pre-K collaborative with Northwest Tennessee Head Start/Early Head Start Program. This partnership provides additional resources for our VPK students in the collaborative class.  The additional resources are:

    • Staff (an additional teacher assistant will be in this class; 1 to 6/7 ratio)
    • Indoor and outdoor equipment (iPad, age-appropriate furniture, etc.)
    • Health, Mental Health and Disability services for your child and family
    • Instructional items for the room (paper, manipulatives, etc.)
    • Family engagement opportunities and activities
    • Family advocacy through a Head Start Family Advocate
    • Educational classroom support for the family and child throughout the school year

    If you are interested in being considered for this class, be sure to let Lisa Lewis know when you turn in the needed documents during registration. For more information you may call 731-215-2730 or email


  • Pre-K Classes will be located at the following schools.


    Central Cluster

    Alexander Elementary

    Andrew Jackson Elementary

    Arlington Elementary

    Community Montessori 

    Isaac Lane Elementary*

    Lincoln Elementary


    North Cluster

    Nova Early Learning Center*

    East Elementary


    South Cluster

    Denmark Elementary

    Rose Hill School

    South Elementary



    * Isaac Lane and Nova Early Learning Center have a Pre-K collaborative class with Northwest Tennessee Head Start/Early Head Start Program

Contact Us

  • Nova Early Learning Center

    248 Bedford White Road

    Jackson, TN 38301



    Pre-K District-wide Consulting Teacher

    Kristin Peachey
