School Counseling at Andrew Jackson Elementary
My name is Moira Chandler and I am the Professional School Counselor at Andrew Jackson Elementary. I work with every student individually, in small groups, and/or in the classroom setting.
For classroom-based counseling, unit lessons are planned bi-weekly based on the previous year's school assessment or subjects that are pertinent to what the students need most. Common topics include self-esteem, making and keeping friends, teamwork, safety, positive school behaviors, and bullying.
Students are referred for individual counseling by a parent, teacher, or principal. Students can also meet with me at their own request. Students come to my office to discuss issues that affect them at home and at school. Making and keeping friendships, dealing with divorce, study skills, and self-esteem are some of the most discussed subjects. In my office, students can feel free to talk about things that worry them and to ask questions. My goal is to help your child be successful both academically and socially through one-on-one counseling, small group, and classroom guidance classes. The goal with individual counseling is to meet with your child regularly at first and then slowly decrease services to an “as needed” basis.