What does a week of learning look like at JASA?
We have synchronous learning days on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday that we refer to as Live Class. Students log in to Schoology, our Learning Management System, and join their teacher for virtual classes according to the school schedule. Classes start at 8:00 AM and end by 3:00 PM. Monday and Friday are asynchronous learning days. Students log in to Schoology and find all materials in the daily folder, including videos, resources, texts, and assignments. On these asynchronous learning days, students have the flexibility to complete their work at any point during the day to meet their needs. Every day, students can go back and view the recording of the live class or the pre-recorded video for extra support or reteaching. Many times, students need to hear the teacher just one more time to completely grasp the concepts being taught. At JASA, our students have that opportunity every single day.
Our students also come to the building throughout the week to work on project-based learning (PBL) units, participate in clubs, or practice for an upcoming team competition. The first and third Friday of each month are designated as our STEAM Days for students to work with their peers on the PBL unit. Other activities that students may participate in during the week include:
* Greenpower USA Racing Team
* VEX IQ Competitive Robotics Team
* Drone Racing Team
* Drama Club
* Lego Club
* Board Game Club
* Esports Team
* Music Club
* Piano Club
* Yearbook Committee
High School at JASA
Grades 9-12 have the following Programs of Study to select from:
Environmental and Natural Resource Management
Become a good steward of our environment and natural resources through this program of study. This program of study covers environmental public policy, the management of ecosystems and the current agricultural practices used to cultivate major crops in the West Tennessee Region, including DRONE TECHNOLOGY.
Cybersecurity/Gaming and Coding
Want to know how to get rid of computer virus threats? Would you love to design video games? Cyber Security is for you. This program explores malware threats, emerging technologies, and organizational security. Students will also learn the fundamentals of programming and opportunities offered in the gaming profession.
Our Entrepreneurship program of study will develop strong foundational knowledge of key business and entrepreneurial principles including types of business ownership management functions and styles, human resources, business operations, marketing, finance and budgeting, employment law, and ethics. Students will develop skills in critical thinking, communication, and professionalism by exploring key aspects of leadership, the entrepreneurial mindset, diversity, teamwork, and conflict resolution.
JASA also offers opportunities for Advanced Placement courses and Dual Enrollment classes taken through partnerships with Union University, Jackson State, and TCAT. Students can earn both high school and college credit through these classes with sections offered both virtually and in person.
Other offerings include Work Based Learning and LOOP Programs where students have the chance to engage in hands-on learning and monetary compensation that can lead to future job opportunities after graduation.
Dual Enrollment with Union University
Schoology LMS

What Is Schoology?
A Learning Management System that allows teachers to…
Administer online curriculum materials.
Track and report student data and information.
Deliver online instruction within a blended classroom environment.
Teachers focus on…
Increasing student engagement & provide deeper digital experiences
Providing opportunities for communication and collaboration.
Assigning and collecting work electronically.
Engage with learning materials and the school community inside and outside of the classroom.
Safe and monitored teacher/administrator/parent online environment.