Providing Options and Opportunities
Jackson-Madison County School System strives to develop and prepare our over 13,000 students for excellence in higher education, work and life. With 26 campuses and the largest school district in West Tennessee outside of Shelby County, Jackson-Madison County School System is committed to providing a quality education to every student that enters through our doors. We are focused on career readiness and believe that every student should graduate high school with options and opportunities.
Our Mission
Providing equitable options and opportunities in a safe, caring environment to maximize student potential.
Our Vision Statement
Best by Any Measure
Our System's Goals
1. Students will see measurable goals in literacy, numeracy, and college/career readiness through options and opportunities
2. Improve school climate, culture, safety, and organizational efficiency
3. Improving community engagement and parental experience
Belief Statements
1 B uild strong, successful programs in three broad areas - academics, athletics, and the arts.
2 E mpower schools, administrators, teachers, and staff with high-quality instructional and curriculum material that are aligned to improving student achievement.
3 L everage opportunities for diversity to support conditions that value all individuals and programs.
4 I nvest in employees by providing financial and professional support.
5 E ducate all students in a safe, nurturing school environment that promote healthy choices and opportunities for optimal learning.
6 V alue all employees, students, and families by distributing resources equitably for the purpose of improving outcomes.
7 E ngage the broader community in an effort to support the whole child and advance the progress of the school system.