Welcome to weCARE 2024 - 2025..."Reframing Workplace Wellness"
We appreciate your immense participation this school year. We are excited about a new year with our incentivized staff wellness initiative that encourages physical activity, self-care, health, and nutrition. Period 2 is now underway. Please note the information below:
*NEW: Starting August 5th, participants can earn an extra $50 for perfect attendance. This will be tracked through H.R.
*NEW: Use the JMCSS App to gain easier access to weCARE updates and track progress in MyBenefits Channel.
All activities should be entered in MyBenefitsChannel for Period 2 to get accurate credits for payout. You will not receive credit for anything entered outside the period 2 ending deadline.
Activities highlighted in yellow on the Activities Menu document will require additional documentation to receive the payout. Use the weCARE Activity Verification 2024-2025 Form located on the weCARE homepage to upload documents.
If you get an error message when trying to access the weCARE Activity Verification 2024-2025 Form, try logging in using another device or network off JMCSS campus.
No personal information should be shared as verification. Examples include receipts, appointment cards, certificates, etc.
weCARE is an incentivized staff wellness initiative that encourages staff to maximize physical activity, self-care, health, and nutrition.
How does weCARE work?
Participants will have the opportunity to select activities to earn credits.
Staff can earn up to 800 credits ($800) by the end of SY 2025. In addition, participants can earn up to $200 for perfect attendance by the end of SY 2025.
Each credit is equal to a dollar value (i.e., 5 credits = $5.00).
MAX: activities from four (4) domains MIN: activities from two (2) domains
Three payouts will be available throughout the school year to promote ongoing wellness.
Fidelity checks: Certificates, self-certifying, receipts, appointment cards, etc.
All tracking, monitoring, documenting, and reporting will be accessed through the MyBenefitsChannel portal and the weCARE Activity Verification 2024-2025 Form.