• WeCare group

  • Welcome to weCARE 2024 - 2025..."Reframing Workplace Wellness"


    WeCare Meaning


    We appreciate your immense participation this school year. We are excited about a new year with our incentivized staff wellness initiative that encourages physical activity, self-care, health, and nutrition. Period 2 is now underway. Please note the information below: 



    *NEW: Starting August 5th, participants can earn an extra $50 for perfect attendance. This will be tracked through H.R.



    *NEW: Use the JMCSS App to gain easier access to weCARE updates and track progress in MyBenefits Channel.


    • All activities should be entered in MyBenefitsChannel for Period 2 to get accurate credits for payout. You will not receive credit for anything entered outside the period 2 ending deadline.
    • Activities highlighted in yellow on the Activities Menu document will require additional documentation to receive the payout. Use the weCARE Activity Verification 2024-2025 Form located on the weCARE homepage to upload documents.
    • If you get an error message when trying to access the weCARE Activity Verification 2024-2025 Form, try logging in using another device or network off JMCSS campus.
    • No personal information should be shared as verification. Examples include receipts, appointment cards, certificates, etc.



  • weCARE

  • What is weCARE? 

    weCARE is an incentivized staff wellness initiative that encourages staff to maximize physical activity, self-care, health, and nutrition. 


    How does weCARE work? 

    Participants will have the opportunity to select activities to earn credits. 


    • Staff can earn up to 800 credits ($800) by the end of SY 2025. In addition, participants can earn up to $200 for perfect attendance by the end of SY 2025. 

    • Each credit is equal to a dollar value (i.e., 5 credits = $5.00). 

    • MAX: activities from four (4) domains                  MIN: activities from two (2) domains 

    • Three payouts will be available throughout the school year to promote ongoing wellness. 

    • Fidelity checks: Certificates, self-certifying, receipts, appointment cards, etc.  

    • All tracking, monitoring, documenting, and reporting will be accessed through the MyBenefitsChannel portal and the weCARE Activity Verification 2024-2025 Form.

Review weCARE How to Guide Document Below

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

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