About Thelma Barker Elementary
Mission and Vision
Mission Statement: The mission statement for Thelma Barker Elementary School is to provide a safe, comfortable, and orderly environment where students master their academic skills, demonstrate citizenship skills, and develop the attributes of lifelong learning.
Vision: Our vision is to develop a tradition of academic excellence where all students are challenged to excel and where learning is held in high regard.
School Colors and Mascot
Our school color is PURPLE. The LION is our mascot.
Lunch/Breakfast Menu
Click here for lunch and breakfast menus.
Student/Parent Information
Click here for our 2024-2025 Student/Parent handbook.
Click here for the JMCSS Visitors Code of Conduct
Click here for the Jackson-Madison County Board of Education descriptor code 1.501 regarding Visitors to the Schools
School Plan
Click here for our school's Title I School Compact.
Click here for our school's Title I Parent and Community Engagement Plan.
PIE Partners
If you know of any businesses that may want to partner with us, please let us know!
Fast Facts
Thelma Barker is a very unique school in the Jackson-Madison County School System. This is due, in large part, to the diverse student population. In fact, we have one of the largest ESL student populations in the district. Because of our diversity, we take time to celebrate the students' cultural heritages and backgrounds. Not only is our student population diverse, it is rather large as well.
Our students are the heart of our school and drive the decisions we make on a daily basis. But, our students would not be as successful as they are if it were not for the phenomenal teachers and staff members that work at Barker. We currently have 36 K-5th grade teachers, 3 SPED teachers, a librarian, 2 school counselors, 2 PE teachers, a music teacher, an art teacher, a computer lab teacher, and 5 full-time ESL teachers. In addition to our teachers, we have a phenomenal support staff that takes pride in what they do and will do whatever they can do to help our students be successful.