Welcome to West Bemis Middle School

  • Welcome to West Bemis Middle School!  We are very happy to have the opportunity to be a part of your student's middle school experience.  With hard work and cooperation between family and school, we will have a great year.


    School Day Information

    Our school day begins at 7:15 and ends at 2:15. School doors open for students at 6:45. Athletic practice times/schedule, rehearsals, club meetings, etc. will be coordinated by each individual coach/sponsor.


    Dress Code

    Click on the link below to see the JMCSS dress code policy:

    Click Here

    PowerSchool Access

    Parents/Guardians, if you would like to be able to access your student's grades online through PowerSchool, please email Mrs. Yarbrough at nryarbrough@jmcss.org and she will be able to help you set up that account.