Community Montessori Academics

  • Curriculum

    Although the Montessori curriculum is extremely comprehensive, the teachers have successfully correlated the material with the Tennessee State Standards in order to follow state guidelines. The program stresses the value of “preparation for life” throughout the curriculum and emphasizes peace and respect.



    Community Montessori School uses a rubric progress report consistent with an individualized curriculum for grades K-3. The report will include the following key in lieu of letter/numerical grades:

    4 = Excelling / Exceeding expectations of grade level standards with quality

    3 = Meeting grade level expectations with quality

    2 = Additional assistance and supplemental materials needed in order to meet grade level  


    1 = Not Meeting Expectations of grade level standards

    N/A = Standard not yet presented / Student not at readiness level

    For grades 4-8, a numerical grading system based on JMCSS board policy is used. Nine week and mid-nine week reports will no longer be printed but are available through PowerSchool.  A percentage of the final grade will be from the standardized test in the spring. 

    A = 90-100

    B = 80-89

    C = 70-79

    D = 60-69

    F = below 60

    Students receive progress reports every 4 1/2 weeks and every 9 weeks. Progress reports are to be signed and returned in a timely manner.



    Homework is a meaningful, supplemental activity that corresponds with the student’s curriculum. Homework will be individualized by student/teacher. Parents are to assist their child(ren) and provide recognition for effort as well as completion of the activities.


    Library/Media Center

    The library/media center is designed to assist learners to find, generate, evaluate and apply information that will help them function successfully in school and in society. It is also designed to assist the faculty and expand the work of the classroom.

    Books, videos, and other audiovisual materials are available to students and staff.  The students also check out books and use materials, as needed for classroom research projects. Students may check out one book at a time and renew them if more time is needed. Students are responsible for returning books each week. A fee will be charged for any lost or damaged book. 


    Montessori ~ Practical Life Curriculum

    “A child’s work is to create the man he will become, an adult works to perfect the environment but a child works to perfect himself.”

    Dr. Maria Montessori

    Practical life is an area of the curriculum that is unique to the Montessori method. Using the children’s natural interests and inclinations, structured activities are planned for the Montessori classroom to prepare children for life’s basic skills. In addition, the activities assist children in lengthening concentration and perfecting coordination. For young children, there is something special about tasks that an adult considers ordinary, such as washing dishes, polishing, and cutting. Practical life lessons are given, based on the needs of the community/classroom.


    Montessori Peace Education


                      Maria Montessori


    The staff students and parents of Community Montessori School strive to eradicate conflict and create peaceful children, peaceful schools, and a peaceful world. The strong commitment of educators, parents, and the entire community empowers us to create environments where children truly feel safe and motivated to learn. Our staff recognizes that “peace” needs to be consciously taught and actively lived in our everyday lives.

    We promote peace and actively teach our children to respect themselves, their peers, their teachers, and their environment. It is our philosophy, as Montessori educators, to prepare our students for life. Our staff recognizes that peace needs to be consciously taught and actively lived in our everyday lives. Peace education embodies and reinforces the state’s standards of peaceful resolution to conflict and understanding of good decision making for everyday living.

    Parent Teacher Conferences

    Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled twice during the year by the school system. However, parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher to schedule individual conferences when necessary.