Welcome to Thelma Barker Elementary

  • Greetings, Families!

    We are so excited you are here! At Barker, we focus on our students, each other, and our families. We do this by practicing our "P's".  That means that our students, teachers, and staff members are punctual, positive, and present. Being punctual means just that! We are on time each day, begin class on time, and arrive on time for meetings.  Being positive means that we focus on the positive interactions, events, etc., that occur and that are witnessed each day. One way we do this is by recognizing students who use their PAWS (our school-wide expectations) and with our Kindness Revolution. Staff members are also recognized with daily "Shout-Outs". Practicing being present means that we not only focus on attendance but we emphasize being engaged in the teaching and the learning process while at school.  

    At Thelma Barker, Kindness is #1! We have high academic standards for our teachers and students, as well as the expectation for everyone to follow our school rules. 

    The PAWS expectations:

    P - Practice Responsibility

    A - Always have a Good Attitude

    W - Work Hard

    S - Show Respect

    By practicing all of our "P's" and PAWS expectations, Thelma Barker has created a school climate and culture that fosters student achievement, promotes teacher growth, creates a culture of care for our students, and celebrates student and teacher successes alike.

    Arrival Procedures:

    • Students are not to arrive at school before 8:00 A.M.
    • Students who arrive after 8:30 A.M. are considered tardy.
    • All parents and visitors must sign in at the school office.


    Dismissal Procedures:

    • Classes are dismissed at 3:00 P.M. each day.
    • If your child is a car rider, they are dismissed from the cafeteria. Car riders are to be picked up no later than 3:30 P.M. After three late pickups, your child will need to start riding the bus.
    • Bus riders will be dismissed to their bus from their classroom as they arrive.
    • If students are to be dropped off at a different address or ride a different bus, parents must complete and turn in a bus note from the front office, have it approved by an administrator, and handed to the appropriate bus driver.


    Check-Out Procedures:

    • Parents are encouraged to allow their child to remain in school for the entire day. Please schedule appointments for after-school hours if possible. If a student attends an appointment during school hours, parents have to send a written excuse and/or obtain a doctor's statement.
    • When a student is to be transported in a different manner or if someone other than a parent/guardian is picking a student up, a written notice explaining any changes must be sent to the school with a contact phone number.
    • Please do not request dismissal during the last 30 minutes of the school day. If students must be checked out of the office early, it must be before 2:30 P.M. unless there is an emergency. Our office will be closed from 2:30-3:30 so we can dismiss all students quickly and safely. 
    • Parents/ guardians wishing to pick their children up early must come to the office to sign them out. Anyone other than a parent/guardian needing to sign a student out must have written permission from the parent/guardian and a phone number to verify this pick-up. All persons signing a student out will be asked for picture identification.



    • Students who will be walking home from school must live within safe walking distance. Parents must complete a form giving consent for their child/children to walk home.


    Dress Code:


    • Must be polo style – collared – black, white, or purple – short or long sleeves (sleeves must cover the shoulder)
    • No writing, logos, or any type of design (except a school-issued shirt)
    • No sweatshirts or hoodies
    • No holes, rips, or cuts of any kind are allowed.
    • Shirts must always be tucked in and sized to fit.
    • Undershirts/camisoles must be black, white, or purple
    • Students may wear Thelma Barker T-Shirts each Friday. Uniform bottoms must be worn.



    • Sweaters and ¼ Zip Pullovers may be worn but must be solid (black, grey, white, or purple) with a logo no larger than a standard business card, NO designs, and NO color variations.
    • Jackets/hoodies may be worn to school but must remain in the student’s classroom throughout the day. Jackets/hoodies may never be worn inside the school building. Hoodies may not be worn in the classrooms, hallways, cafeteria, or gym.



    • Flat-fronted or pleated pants- khaki, black, or navy color (no jeans, no deep pockets, no writing, and no holes)
    • Capri pants must be flat-fronted or pleated – khaki, navy, or black.
    • All pants must have belt loops.
    • No holes, frayed cuffs, cuts, or rips of any kind are allowed.
    • Must be sized to fit, neither skintight nor sagging; must be worn at the waist
    • Shorts, skirts, or jumpers must be knee-length when standing.



    • Must wear a black or brown belt with a silver or gold buckle
    • It must be kept at the waist.
    • Buckle no larger than 2"x2" square and no specialty, oversized, logos, or wording allowed.
    • Only students in grades 1-5 should wear belts



    • Must be closed-toe
    • Students may NOT wear crocs