• Welcome to Crusader Tennis!

    The mission of the Liberty Tech Athletic Department is to promote a successful and well-respected athletic program that strives for excellence and character development while achieving our full potential in shaping leaders. The athletics program promotes a lifestyle of character, discipline, excellence, integrity, hard work, and leadership. We desire to provide student-athletes with opportunities to compete at a high level and represent our community with pride and tradition. 

    In addition, the Crusader Tennis program strives to:  

    • Encourage, support, and nurture young student-athletes through relationships built on a foundation of trust and respect 

    • Develop excellence in training and volleyball performance 

    • Navigate the skills necessary for success 

    • Develop the student-athlete's integrity, character, and confidence 

    • Encourage the student-athlete's academic success 

    • Prepare student-athletes for opportunities and eligibility in collegiate tennis. 


boys team
  • Student-Athlete Responsibilities:  

    • It is an honor and a privilege to participate in the program. Always work hard. 

    • Always conduct yourself in a way that positively represents our team and school. 

    • Demonstrate good sportsmanship. 

    • Demonstrate loyalty to teammates and coaches. 

    • Be coachable. Respect and accept the decisions of the coaching staff. Accept constructive criticism. 

    • Balance responsibilities to team, schoolwork, and family. 

    • Be committed to academic excellence. 

    • Put the team before self. 

    • Refrain from drugs, alcohol, and/or tobacco use to strive for peak physical condition. 

    • Arrive at practice on time. 


    Crusader tennis players are the primary focus of our program, and as members, they are representatives of our program, the school, and mission.