Welcome to Madison Academic

  • Welcome to Madison Academic, a shining star in the educational community of Jackson, Tennessee! Madison has achieved unmatched success locally, state-wide, and on the national level. Through the contributions of students of all grade-point levels and varying ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds, Madison has consistently fielded successful teams that have greatly enriched the lives of its students and performed at a level truly representative of an academic magnet school. Our students are motivated and talented. They thrive in an environment of acceptance and challenge where they feel they can take risks and express themselves in a variety of ways. 


    School Day Information

    Our school day begins at 7:15 a.m. and ends at 2:15 p.m. The building is opened at 6:40 a.m. There will be a breakfast served each morning. All students must be in class at 7:15 a.m. There are four ninety-minute classes per day. 


    Dress Code

    Staff will dress professionally and students' dress will fall within the following guidelines in order to create an orderly setting in which teaching and learning can occur without distraction. In addition, appropriate attire will help young people prepare for the world of work. Standardized expectations related to student dress will assist our mobile student population as students move from school to school within the district. Please see the Madison Student Handbook for specific guidelines (click here). 


    Peanut and Nut Free School

    Madison is a peanut and nut free school. Read our parent letter to find out more. 



    • 2014 National Blue Ribbon school
    • U.S. News Silver Medal school
    • All honors level, AP, and dual enrollment courses
    • State Reward and/or Progress school for the last 5 years
    • Many highly successful extra-curricular programs including Forensics, Academic Decathlon, Band, Theatre, Chorus, Jazz Band, Athletics, and Coding
    • Average ACT of 24.4