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  • JMCSS Open Enrollment and Magnet Program Applications








    Open Enrollment for the 2025-2026 School Year is now available!



    Click Here to Apply for Open Enrollment 


    Click Here to Apply to Early College High or The Academic Academy



    What is Open Enrollment?

    Open Enrollment is an option offered by JMCSS for families to send their students to schools outside of their zoned area.  If seats are available, out-of-zone students can be enrolled in their requested school.


    Do I have to reapply for the school my student currently attends through Open Enrollment each year?

    Once a student has accepted admission and is attending a school through Open Enrollment, he or she can remain at the school until reaching the highest grade offered, as long as they are in good standing.​​ Siblings of students who currently attend a school through open enrollment  must apply. They will have first priority at that school. If a seat is available, the siblings will be offered admission. 


    More FAQs

  • If you have additional questions, you may email Rhonda Heard-Bigham rlheard@jmcss.org or call (731) 506-2413.